The core of a Rivakka roller mill is its roller wheels made from high-quality specialty steel. The densely crossed pattern of the rollers actively pulls in any raw material to be crushed and carefully crushes even the smallest grains.
A Rivakka roller mill crushes dry grain, peas and corn. The dump hopper of the mill is equipped with a grate and strong magnets. The mill rollers are steplessly adjustable and adjustments can be made easily from the outside of the mill. One of the rollers is spring-loaded in order that any stones coming through the grate will not stress the structures of the mill. The mill can be opened for maintenance. An automatic shut-off motor allows the rollers to always start freely and guarantees trouble-free functioning, for example when the mill is attached to an automatic feeding device. Rivakka roller mills are always equipped with a purpose-suitable control centre to which can be added a timer, level guards or external control..
Mill soundproofing
Mechanism for a propulsion auger
Electric concentrate dispenser
Capacity: 1000 - 4 000 kilogramms /hour
Mill motor: 9,2 kW
Dimensions: Height 103 cm
Width: 87 cm
Length: 92 cm