Accurate heat status monitoring is a key factor in AI management and profitability of a herd. PigWatch allows you to inseminate your sows exactly at the right moment. Here is how PigWatch works:
1. Behavior Monitoring DeviceEach sow’s behavior changes through the estrus cycle. PigWatch monitores this cycle 24/7 with infrared sensors such that it can see its evolution.
2. Data AnalysisPigWatch’s brain is a powerful computer system that analyses each sow’s behavior data in real time. The artificial intelligence algorithm, the heart of the system can detect not only when the heat starts, but also the best moment to inseminate every time all the time. Your sows’ body language speaks you should listen to it and bread precisely, the natural way.
3. InterfacePigWatch provides you in real time a list of all sows to be inseminated and a green light flashes on their stall. PigWatch’s interface provides you visual information on the progression of a sow’s heat. These are also easily accessible via any Internet connection.