Continuous merger ROC RT 1220 is the biggest merger in the world and it represents the symbol of a revolutionary raking system. The main difference compared to traditional rakes is represented by the pick-up system: the ROC RT 1220 lifts the crop in order then to transport it on a conveyor belt, whereas traditional rakes drag the crop on the ground up to the windrow. This difference leads to:
•less stripping of hay and higher quality. Owing to sun drying little alfalfa stalks, which support leaves, become indeed extremely fragile. If you pick-up crop using traditional rotary-rakes and especially in the absence of dew, little stalks are more subject to breaking. This causes the loss of leaves and the consequent loss of important proteins for animal feeding. On the opposite, by using ROC system the crop is lifted and put gently on the belt in order to be transported and deposited centrally without any damage. Moreover, our tests shown that there is a smaller quantity of earth and pebbles inside the windrow, which enables to reach an incomparable product quality;
•lower product losses. In presence of wheel-tracks or holes, during crop dragging traditional rakes tend to leave on the ground a part of product. On the opposite, with our revolutionary continuous merger the crop is lifted on a belt and it is not dragged on the ground as it usually happens with traditional rakes;
•less damages to fresh growth of crop. Under normal conditions, already after 2 or 3 days from harvesting some kinds of crop like alfalfa produce fresh growth made up of small stalks and some leaves.