When harvesting sugar beet, it is crucial to make the most of the limited days available for harvesting. One way to make the harvesting process more efficient is to overload the beet onto a separate transport vehicles. Thus, the harvester can work without interruptions, i.e. no time is wasted on unloading crop from the bunker into a pile. That enables higher area outputs per hour and better machine utilisation per season.
Even long field lengths pose no problem when using an overloader.
However, the challenge often arises when it comes to providing the right transport vehicles. Trailers for sugar beet require tractors with high tractive power which are often questionable in terms of soil protection. Although tipper lorries are suitable for a wide range of purposes and are often available on farms anyway, they cannot create proper piles.
The ROPA Taurus is an excellent alternative to tractor-trailer transport combination.
With a bunker volume of approx. 50 m³, the R-Balance chassis, crab steering and 1050 Michelin tyres, the Taurus is both powerful and soil-friendly.
The Taurus also has advantages when loading beet directly onto lorries, without prior storage in piles. The overloader acts as a buffer here and can temporarily store an entire lorryload of beet until the next lorry is available. There is no need to interrupt harvesting operations.
Pile storage, bunker and unloading conveyor
The Taurus can also be used to create piles. Thanks to the side unloading conveyor, it can easily unload beets in piles like a Tiger or a Panther. It leaves neither traces nor compaction under a pile, which could later impair the loading process.