The Green-Rite is a combined machine that performs several simultaneous operations in one pass. If equipped with an aerating rotor with straight blades on narrow flanges (7,5 cm) the machine aerates, overseeds, or fertilizes and compacts the existing turf. If instead the Green-Rite is equipped with a tilling rotor, just like a tiller, it will then till and level the ground while seeding and compacting the soil in a single pass. The hopper can be used for seeding and spreading granular fertilizer. This unique machine is ideal for whoever wants to save time and fuel costs when maintaining lawns. The Green-Rite can easily pay for itself within the first few days of use.
Aerator rotor with straight blades with 7,5 cm flange spacing
Corrugated roller with nylon and fiberglass rings to compact the ground for optimal seed germination
Precise seed metering cups
Tickler tines for partial or complete seed incorporation into the ground