Product Information:
• Frame sizes 15 - 53 tine
• Frame configuration 2 or 3 rank
• Tine spacing, 285 and 300mm
• Hopper capacity from 3600 to 17000 Litre.
• Hopper configurations, 1, 2 & 3 bin.
• Seeding rates from 1 - 500 kg/ha.
Seeding tine
• Modular integrated
• Working depth 50 – 200mm
• Hydraulic breakout 400 – 700kg
(1) Air-seeder System
The range of Rovic Air-seeder systems consists of three models. These would include two Drawbar mounted models (4200L & 6200L) and Trailed Quad models ranging in size from 3600L up to 17000L. The Air-seeder systems have been designed to work successfully in combination with any seeding implement (Modular) whether big or small. To date, the Rovic Air-seeder systems, have earned the reputation of being the workhorse of the air seeder industry, where its reliability and strength are sought after features. The 1, 2 or 3 main hopper configuration plus the ‘small seeds bin’ (210L & 400L) option allows the air seeders to handle seed ranging from large legumes to canola, where seeding rates are as low as 1kg/ha, or the option to distribute large and small seed, as well as trace elements through different air streams. In broad-acre operation, the air seeder can be set up to sow up to 500kg/ha. With the standard fitted oil cooler that cools the hydraulic oil and in turn has the advantage of drying the air providing more efficient product distribution. (Prevents clogging of the hoses)