MiniMax™ is an automated pan feeding system for broilers. This feeder pan is the most highly regarded in the poultry sector. The first version, launched in 1985, became the standard for anyone who wanted to invest in broilers. There is now a second generation of MiniMax feeder pans. The round pan still has its original properties: robustness, ease of cleaning and a unique feed filling method. Since then, the options for the MiniMax have only expanded and the pan has evolved with the size of the broiler. The pan is now also modular. You can choose a MiniMax that fully meets your preferences and way of working, so you can grow even more efficiently.
The modular broiler feeder designed for efficient growth
This feeding system contains a few Roxell patents. Features that you will not find at any other supplier. It is these aspects that make the difference for many poultry farmers around the world, as they help to improve the profitability.
Features of the MiniMax feeder pan
Feeding broilers from day one
the distance between the floor of the house and the edge of the pan is just 6 cm (or 2.36”) for the 1st type of MiniMax pan. The 2nd type of pan can hold double the amount of feed and is only 0.5 cm (or 0.2”) higher. That’s still low enough to allow day-old chicks to see the feed and eat in the pan. In this first stage, they can climb effortlessly into the pan. Once they have grown, you can easily winch up the feeding line.