Maximum use of your floor space
Each pan has a total feeding border of 1160 mm.
Poolaï TM serves up to 51 birds per pan (up to 71 birds per meter feeding system).
The feeder tubes can be used as perch while an anti-roost profile prevents the birds from soiling the pans.
Excellent start of your day-olds
The low pan edge allows a smooth access to the feed.
The 360° flooding keeps the Poolaï TM-pans full of feed.
The large feed surface offers optimal eating comfort.
The feed slots in the cone attract the birds.
Optimal uniformity
Poolaï TM distributes the feed evenly in all pans.
Pan locks on the tubes prevent the pans from swinging.
The special wings on the cone stop the pullets from grubbing in the feed.
Excellent control on the feed cost
The unique and patented Poolaï TM pan with a high feed saver rim excludes practically all feed waste from the first day onwards.
A handy adjustment ring allows a precise setting of the feed level.
The incorporated feed trough in the bottom and the pan lock make sure that the feed remains in the central part of the pan.