Net Houses designed by Rufepa are structures which purpose is to reduce the damage caused by insects (Agents propagators of viruses), by the wind and the hail in the crop. They are especially suitable for cultivation areas susceptible to exposure to these agents.
Nethouses are a perfect structure for hot areas with low rains. The nethouses can produce tomatos, pepper, cucumbers, zuchini, lettuce, and other crops classified as horticulture.
During the last years we have constructed many hectares of nethouse in many different countries.
The components of this structure are:
Hot dipped galvanized steel pipes.
Brail wires and wires.
Anchors for the perimeter.
Other components.
Poliethilene cover.
Crop system.
A good feature of this structure is the complete adaptation of the structure to the land surface, not being necessary the land levelling of the site.
Advantages of this structure are:
High ventilation.
Low cost compared to other structures.
High wind resistance.
High production rate.
Our product reference is: MCCV