Rufepa manufactures a wide range of different greenhouse tunnels capable to produce under different requirements from our customers. Design and sizes of these tunnel are very different one each other, and their purposes are also different. Width of tunnels goes from 6 to 10 metres, and structural options are a consequence of the weather conditions where the tunnel will be settled.
Cover of the tunnels in cold countries such us, Russia, Kazakstan, Romania can be single or double plastic and policarbonate. Total height of the tunnels can reach the 6 metres.
The purpose of this tunnels:
Horticultural production in winter time in cold countries. This tunnel is equiped with thermal screen, heating system and hidroponic irrigation system.
Horticultural production for autumm and sring production. Structure of this tunnel is lighter than the previous one.
As product reference we product:
R- TU60
R- TU100
R- TUR96 (Reinforced tunnel Russia).