Every aspect of the SAC tie-up milking parlours is designed with a view to optimising milking conditions for the cow, the milk and the milker. SAC believes it is important to provide the best possible working conditions for the milker so that he/she can focus on optimal milking – which is, of course, also beneficial for the cow and the milk.
Using the SAC UNILINE CombiCock and QuickStart, a milker can easily operate 10 machines and milk 60 cows an hour. UNILINE carries two machines on each milk cart. The cart itself runs on ball bearings. Two milk lines and two vacuum hoses are connected to the CombiCock, and all four hoses can be connected at once.
The milker operates QuickStart while seated on a milking stool. The milker can move the UNILINE cart into position with two milking units between the cows. He then sits on the milking stool to prepare first one cow and then the other. He attaches a cluster to cow 1's udders first and then another to cow 2. This procedure ensures that the milker conforms with the minimum interval of 30 seconds between udder preparation and cluster attachment. The milker remains seated throughout this procedure.
The IDC and power supply gather milk volume data for the individual cow and overall volume from all milking units IDC is battery-powered. The battery is recharged between milking sessions. Milking data from each machine is transferred during recharging time via the power supply unit. Easy and efficient for the milker.