High flexibility & easy to manage aviary system.
The Combi Barn aviary system is a result of years of development, research and testing on the Salmet company farms. The modular system build is available in 2 – 3 tiers and in several lay-outs.
Good accessibility
The robust and practical Combi Barn system is designed and manufactured for easy construction. The birds have good accessibility into the system. Nests, feed, water and several perches are easy reachable. The Combi barn can accommodate a single or double tier nest depending on the amount of birds per m². High density to 18 birds/ m² is possible. The eggs roll from the nest gentle to the eggbelt located in the center of the nest. The complete nest floor structure can can be easily removed for cleaning and accessing the egg belt.
Total comfort
Due to the low height of the systems the overview is perfect. The Combi barn systems can placed in buildings with a 2,4 height. The floor is made of galvanised wire that guarantees total comfort and support for the feet of the birds in any position. The floors are sloped so system eggs can be collected easily at the outer side of the system. The birds are very even spread throughout the system at the different levels. Manure removal belts are installed under each level of slatted floor which contributes to a healthy environment for the birds.