Traditional laying nest to achieve the highest amount of consumption eggs.
The Salmet nest provides a very hygienic environment for the egg production and helps reducing heat accumulation inside the nest. The nest material is also very unattractive for red-mite.
The nest provides hens a comfortable and hygienic environment to lay their eggs. The high nest entrance allows birds to easily enter and leave the nest, sliced curtains at the entrance create shadows in the nest and therefor help to avoid mislaid eggs. At night the floor is lifted and the nest is closed so the birds have no entrance and the nest keeps clean.
Inside the nest an Astroturf mat keeps the nest clean and hygienic and provides the hen with a comfortable surface for laying the eggs. The egg has a short rolling distance from the nest to the egg belt in the centre of the nest, this also avoids cracked eggs. A drinker line in front of the nest leads to high nest acceptance and usage.
Various designs
The nests are available in various designs single nests, double tier and the nest is also incorporated in our aviary systems. Different types of egg collection systems can be combined with the nest depending on your wishes.
Advantages of the Salmet nest system:
•Well accepted by the birds
•High egg quality
•Less floor eggs
•Hygienic environment
•Easy to manage
•Automation of egg collection