A unique way of optimizing broiler operations and reducing broiler cost prices.
The Salmet Broiler Colony offers customers a unique way in optimizing broiler production as it incorporates the following features which offer optimum circumstances and density for broilers and therefor creates improved return on investment for the investor.
The Broiler colony floor offers broilers a soft and flexible plastic mesh floor, preventing damages on the meat. All manure is removed immediately from the floor creating a clean environment for the and it helps them to get rid of body heat. The soft and flexible structure of the floor avoids footpad lesions and breast blisters. Because of this very positive impact on the health of the bird, liveability will be higher, cost for medication will be lower and there will be a positive contribution in the worldwide discussion of reducing antibiotics in meat.
Broiler colony cages are available up to 4 tiers high. Together with the earlier mentioned floor design, increased density and this leads to bird numbers which are up to 3 times higher than in traditional floor litter systems.
Feeding system
Around 70% of your production costs are related to feed. Therefor no feed at all should be spilled. Salmet’s Broiler Colony system incorporates feeding pans which offer feed from day old to harvesting weight. If broiler weight and behaviour dictates to do so, the feeding system can be lifted. Together with the features of the unique floor, the feeding system takes care of optimum situations where perfect growth scenarios are achieved for broilers. This leads to a much better FCR than in traditional floor systems.