The SU2LS is a further development of the SU1L, this is the largest onion loader in our range.
The intake of the onionloader is equipped with a foamrubber roller. The 1st web is relatively narrow so that there is no more touched ground than is necessary. The foliage remains which often lie next to the swath are hereby avoided.
In order to prevent charge damage to the machine can be equipped with a lifting shaft, such as on the windrowers, selection in this respect from a round, round shaft with pitch or a square shaft.
The 2nd web is wider than the first mat to permit sufficient cleaning. The web has sunken bars which prevents onions for rolling back.
The hedgehog belt speed is adjustable from the tractor, the angle can be operated from the tractor. The distance between the hedgehog belt and the 2nd sieving web is adjustable so that there can be selected for product friendliness or capacity . Star wheels ensure proper distribution of onions on the conveyor.
The loader is carried out with a 3-piece, lightweight discharge conveyor. The effective width of the outlet, inside the fingers is 90cm. The speed from the belt is adjustable on the machine. An important detail of the conveyor is that the belt does not make sharp turns when onions are on, to prevent damage or leakage of the drain and makes high capacity possible. Loading height of the drain is more than sufficient for big tippers, max. heigth 4.5m min. heigth 1.1m.
The complete loader is hydraulically driven by a separate hydraulic system. The tractor supplies the oil for functions such as control and operate the discharge conveyor.