Adhesive chromatic trap consisting of a light-resistant polyethylene yellow sheet of 500 cm2 (20 x 25 cm), with a 2x2 cm grid printed in black, on both sides. The sheet is coated on both sides with a pressure-sensitive adhesive, solvent-free, which is protected by individual sheets of translucent silicone paper. A margin of 1 cm is left free of impregnation, following the longer side on both sides of the sheet, to facilitate its manipulation. It has four holes in the corners to facilitate the installation.
The trap is activated by removing the sheet of silicone paper covering the adhesive, and will be active 24 hours a day for 6 to 8 weeks, or until the trap is completely saturated with insects. It is usually hung from one or two of the perforated holes.
It can be used only as a trap of chromatic attraction, or with pheromone bait, which, together with the attraction of color, increases the effectiveness of catches. As a chromatic attraction trap, it is suitable for the capture of whitefly, mainly of the genus Bemisia, and aphid species of the family Aphididae. If specific attractants are used the traps can be used to catch dipterans such as Dacus (Bactrocera) oleae.
In general, the density of yellow chromatic traps is 2 to 4 traps for every 1,000 m2 (for detection and monitoring) and 1 trap for each surface area of 5 to 25 m2 (for mass trapping). The traps can be active throughout the year, and must be present in the crop two or three weeks before the flight of the insect.
The trap should be stored in its original packaging in a dry place protected from direct sunlight.