SATEC CONCEPT 1.50 as a twin unit - two parallel working treatment units with powder dosage, feeding balance, 4 liquid dosages and a side by side SATEC Dust Monitor for inline dust measurement.
SATEC Turnkey systems – for example SATEC CONCEPT 1.50 Twin
We plan for you a complete seed treatment unit. Around the “heart” – our SATEC CONCEPT batch coaters, we design feeding and discharging machines, cleaners, dryers, sieving and bagging systems, pneumatic conveyors, big bag fillers, exhaust air filters or complete production lines, using the very latest 3-D technology. Our experienced technicians come to you for the installation of the system or you get a very detailed instruction for the installation by yourself.
We will also be pleased to retrofit old installations to the most modern standards.
All the software we offer has also been developed in-house. If desired, our specialist can connect to your system at the treating machine via internet, identify problems and actively help. No matter where you are located in the world.
Of course, these turnkey projects can also be implemented with all other types of SATEC CONCEPT machines