Type(s) of Ration: Pellets / Flour
Trough width: 2 x 2.00 m
Places at the trough: 18 to 25 lambs
Hopper capacity*: 415 L (280 kg)
Dimensions: L. 2.40 x l. 2.00 x h. 0.82m
Empty weight: 219 kg
Finish: Full Galvanized
Bottom of hopper: Standard
Particular strong points:
– Very good preservation of the food from bad weather thanks to the one-piece welded hopper and the well-sheltered trough.
– Possibility of favoring access for the youngest thanks to the restrictive bars with adjustable position.
– Movements facilitated by the automatic coupling.
– Easy filling thanks to the large full-length sunroof.
Packing: 4
Options: 3 m version on request.
*Capacity in kg calculated for 0.68 density granulate and 0.3 dry fibrous mix.