Early, Established Variety
Aspen is an established, high yielding spring oat variety.
With shorter, stiff straw, early ripening and good grain quality, Aspen remains an attractive variety to growers and the market.
UK Yields -
Treated Yield (%C, 7.1 t/ha) - 98
Agronomics -
Resistance to lodging - 6
Straw length (cm) - 100
Ripening (days +/- WPB Isabel) - -1
Grain Quality - - - - -
Kernel content % - - - - - 71.7
Specific Weight (kg/hl) - - - - - 51.1
Screenings (<2.0mm) - - - - - 2.7
Kernel colour - - - - - yellow
Disease Resistance -
Mildew - 4
Crown rust - 5