New Year 4 RL Naked Oat Candidate
Ovation is a spring naked oat AHDB Year 4 Described Candidate 2023.
It produces high yields both treated and untreated, has stiff straw, early ripening and a good specific weight. Ovation is a naked spring oat, which are usually grown on contract.
UK Yields -
Treated Yield (%C, 7.1 t/ha) - 73
Agronomics -
Resistance to lodging - [6]
Straw length (cm) - [107]
Ripening (days +/- WPB Isabel) - -1
Grain Quality - - - - -
Kernel content % - - - - - -
Specific Weight (kg/hl) - - - - - 55.9
Screenings (<1.8mm) - - - - - 15.5
Disease Resistance -
Mildew - 6
Crown rust - [6]