Sentek has partnered with Meteoblue to offer a 7-day weather forecast database for any location on Earth.
Forecast data is retained to provide a historical record of conditions.
Weather Forecasting Service MeteoBlue Information Sheet
.Sentek has partnered with MeteoBlue to offer a 7-day weather forecast database for any location on Earth.
.Sophisticated models are employed to predict temperature, rainfall, ET, humidity, pressure, wind speed and wind-direction at hourly intervals for a latitude/longitude of your choice
.Forecast data is retained to provide a historical record of conditions.
.The finest granularity that the weather forecasting service Meteoblue offers is a 3km-square grid cell.
.The service is offered on an competitive annual subscription basis, that can be launched within IrriMAX Live.
.The forecast data can be displayed as top panes of existing soil moisture graphs or they can be stand alone graphs. See examples below: