This product by its highly nutritional composition serves the purpose of providing to SHEEP and GOATS all the necessary minerals and vitamins they need for a healthy growth and high productivity levels while molasses offers them the required energy levels to transform it into milk production.
This premium product has been developed with a special formulation and it also prevents behavior disorders such aw eating soil, paper or plastic, licking walls e.t.c., due to the lack of specificminerals from the animal' s body. It helps to yield increasement, weight and growing up improvement and helps to reduse the possibility of feet, hoofs and skin problems.
As a free choice nutritional supplement. the specified animals lick this product to receive the necessary minerals and vitamins substances by the amount needed which result to:
-Milk yield increasement
-Milk quality improvement
-Fertility and health improvement
-Weight increasement
-Healthy hoofs
-Digestion improvement
-Preservation of neutral pH
-Wool quality improvement
-New born animals weight increasement
What is improving
Zinc is an essential nutrient for animals, functioning in enzyme systems and being involved in protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, and many other biochemical reactions. A severe zinc deficiency causes numerous pathological changes, including skin parakeratosis, reduced or cessation of growth, general debility, lethargy, and increased susceptibility to infection.