A lot of problems and strange and unusal behavior are noticed nowadays to poultry farming as a result of reduced or even complete lack of pecking, which is caused either because of the new, recently applied rules regarding the beak trimming prohibiting laws in poultry, or also by the feeeding methods of today's intensive poultry farming which does not offer to the birds the need for exercising their natural way being fed by pecking.
Problems such as the excessive beak growth and the cannibalism effect quite often appear in the poultry farms, bringing so many problems to the farms owners.
Taking in consideration this serious situation in modern poultry farming, S.I.N. HELLAS company has developed a new, revolutionary and high quality special Pecking Block ideal for covering those bird's need for pecking, offering at hte same time a High Nutrtional Value Supplement as it contains a very rich formulation in MINERALS necessary for their correct and healthy growth and their increased productivity.
This revolutionary pecking block is called ULTRA PECK and it is produced only with natural ingredients such as calcium carbonate, molasses, carob and oyster shells flour, sea salt, minerals and vitamins e.t.c., to act both aw a natural beak trimmer and also as a nutritional feed supplement.
A rich in calcium formulation in combination with a high level of trace elements such as Na, Magnesium and other nutritional minerals and ingredients will result to a healthy bones structure, anormal feathers formation, an improved metabolism and a high level of nutritional and health status.