This licking block was especially developed for calf rearing. Due to its high calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D content, the licking block can actively support bone development. The enrichment with vitamins of the B complex (B1, B2, B6, B12) and vitamin E promotes growth and muscular development. CALF STARTER provides young animals with easily digestible energy through milk powder and its high fat content and also has a positive effect on the pH value in the stomach and can stabilize it.
Supports and strengthens the calf's immune system
Improves skin and hair condition and thus the appearance of the animal due to the content of A vitamins
B-complex vitamins and vitamin E promote growth and muscular development
Gives the growing calf all the minerals it needs for the best growth and development results
The stabilization of the pH level in the stomach is enhanced
Supports positive bone development
Easily digestible source of energy with milk powder