Item No.:Sterna
Single color
chicken house lights
Science For The Chickens Vision
Chickens / birds have 4 cone cells, they see different light to human being (3 cone cells), their vision is most developed, the spectrum is also wider.
Apart from green ,they can see blue and red color at a higher intensity. We could offen see the chickens can easily find out the insects for food.
Chickens prefer to stay a dark place, if the poultry house lighting is too bright that may cause cannibalism and feather picking.
What effect of the full color spectrum chicken house lights for the layers and broilers:
• Green LED increase the growth when the chickens at very young age.
• Blue LED has a claming effect on the chickens, it can enhance the growth at a older age and better food intake.
• Red LED reduce cannibalism and feather picking,increase egg production.
• Blue-green LED stimulates growth, enhance muscle growth.
• Orange-red LED stimulates reproduction.stimulates sexual maturity, enhances locomotion and prevents leg and foot disorders