Item number: H197-1230
Rubbermat with 10mm top cover and 25mm foam. Width 160cm, 170cm, 180 cm.
Linear meter - max. length per order: 50 meters.
The thick foam cushion beneath the top cover is soft andelastic to give the cow a consistently comfortable restingplace without pressure on hips and legs. Thanks to the cow's improved comfort, the resting period is increasedwhich has a positive impact on the milk yield.
Due to the light grip pattern of the rubber mat, the cowis more comfortable when getting up and lying down.
This results in a lower frequency of teat tramps andleg injuries.
The top cover is made with a nylon interlining whichensures stability and durability of the rubber mat. Thetop cover is seamless and therefore making cleaningeasier and more effectively, which will improve thehygiene.
The rubber mat is available in tailor-made sizes withoutany edges and joins, which provides durable, long-lifeperformance of the rubber mat.
Download assembly instructions (Danish):197-1210: Width - 180 cm.