Rubbermat with 8mm. top cover and 35mm. latex, linear meter, Width 180 cm.
Linear meter - max. length per order: 50 meters.
The waterproof latex cushion beneath the top cover issoft and elastic to give the cow a consistently comfortableresting place without pressure on hips and legs. Thanks to the cow's improved comfort, the resting period isincreased which has a positive impact on the milk yield.
The rubber mat provides an even elastic surface, whichmakes the cow more comfortable when getting up andlying down. This results in a lower frequency of teattramps and leg injuries.
The top cover is made of natural rubber material whichhas an easy-to-clean surface with good opportunitiesfor disinfection to improve the hygiene.
The top cover is made with a fabric interlining whichensures stability and durability of the rubber mat.
The rubber mat is available in tailor-made sizes withoutany edges and joins, which provides durable, long-lifeperformance of the rubber mat.