For an eco-sustainable cultivation saving water and fertilizer
Water is one of the most precious resources for the agricultural industry, its shortage caused by continuous climate changes, forces farmers to use poor quality and drainage water of soilless cultivation.
These kinds of waters are a potential vector of bacteria, fungi and viruses that can easily contaminate cultivation. For this reason, an accurate water disinfection is fundamental to avoid the spread of harmful pathogens to crops.
Ultra Pro has been created specifically for the disinfection of contaminated surface water (river, lake, lagoon) as well as drainage water of soilless cultivation.
UVC disinfection technology
The water disinfection is obtained through the exposure to UVC radiation emitted by low-pressure amalgam lamps. The 254 nm wavelength UVC radiation of lamps destroys the molecular bonds of DNA of microorganisms, making them harmless and preventing their growth and reproduction.
The level of disinfection depends on the quantity of radiation received from the pathogenic microorganisms. Studies have shown that it is necessary a dosage of 100mJ/ cm² to inhibit the 99,9% of bacteria, algae and fungi, we need instead 250mJ/ cm² to inhibit the 99,9% of viruses. With Ultra Pro, the desired dosage level can be set by the user according to his needs.
The dosage of the UVC radiation occurs in a stainless-steel pipe where there’s a lamp protected by a quartz sleeve in which the contaminated water flows. The disinfection chamber has been designed to guarantee a good UVC dosage even with low transmittance water like the drainage one.