The type-IX advisory kit for measuring pH, activity, conductivity and temperature
The new Multi 2000 integrates all the measuring possibilities of several meters into one instrument: It can take direct measurements of salt content, conductivity, temperature and pH value.
The activity of soils and substrata can also be determined with the Multi 2000 meter.
This activity corresponds to the dissolved total salt content (in grams of salt per litre). The meter measures directly in the plant canopy, the soil, or substratum (i.e., directly at the roots). This gives insight into the potential absorption of nutrient salts by plants while taking all soil characteristics into consideration (such as temperature, moisture and density). The scheduling of fertilization is simplified when periodic activity measurements are carried out. During crop development, you can monitor different soil layers for nutrient availability, long-term fertilizer attributes and deployed fertilizer concentration.
The electrical conductivity in a solution can be measured by switching into EC mode and attaching the corresponding temperature-compensated conductivity electrode. You can make a targeted calculation of your fertilizer use by factoring in the EC value of the water you are using. This is the basis for all crop processes that use irrigation-based fertilization, including surface fertilization, dam irrigation, drip irrigation, and also particularly for soil-free crops.
The new microprocessor-controlled Multi 2000 is also useful for providing a quick and reliable check of the pH value. You can use this meter to check the conductive slope (and functionality) of a pH electrode.