CropVIEW® is an agricultural information system, which periodically takes high resolution photos of farmland, research plots, crop canopies, orchards etc. Photos are automatically uploaded to FieldClimate platform, thus allowing a constant crop quality and yield control. The high resolution pictures enable checking seeds for germination, monitoring the effect of fertilizers and pesticides on crop development, and help decide whether a disease or pest already threatens profitability. High-resolution images can be viewed and analysed daily over time without any additional effort.
The system operates with rechargeable battery and a solar panel all year round in most climatic zones.
Technical data:
.Housing: Power supply and sensor support box: 41 cm L x 13 cm W x 7 cm H
.Weight without sensors: 2.2 kg
.Camera module: Stainless steel base with IP65 box 27 cm L x 17 cm W x 9 cm H, weight: 1.5 kg
.Power supply: 6 V lead acid 12Ah battery with solar panel
.Model/Type: Cortex M4 processor module with integrated Communication model for .UMTS/LTE operation
.Camera and optics: MT9J003 10 Mega Pixel 2/3“ CMOS sensors – Optics DSL377A650-F2.8 2/3“ Lens with 2.5 mm Focal length and DSL901J650-F3.0 2/3“ Lens with12 mm Focal Length