The watermark is composed of two sensor electrodes, which are embedded in a particular matrix material. The matrix has the same humidity as the surrounding ground. The moisture content of the matrix determines the resistance between the two electrodes. This resistance is converted from a reader in the driving potential.
The handheld meter can read out any number of sensors. The result is displayed digitally from 0 (water saturated soil) to 200 (extremely dry) cbar. The soil temperature is adjustable in order to finetune the results.
.Simple interpretation of data, regardless of the soil type
.Frost proof / maintenance free / very economic
extension services, vegetables, asparagus, softfruit, vineyards, tree crops, hops, potatoes, sugar beet, arable agriculture and seed production, golf-, garden- and landscape irrigation
Technical data:
.Measuring range: 0-200 Centibar soil water potential
.Sensor Connection: cable with clips allows readout of unlimited number of sensors
.Temp. Compensation: automatic, according to user-set soil temperature
.Display: LCD
.Battery: 9 V