Pürckhauer 60
Stainless steel, specially tempered, from 60 cm with tapered bottom, for cohesive soils.
We urgently recommend using the Simplex sledgehammer and not an iron hammer!
.Total length: 810 mm
.Graduation: every 100 mm
.Outer diameter: 20 mm
.Inner diameter: 13 mm
.Weigth: 2.4 kg
.Hammering head Ø: 34 mm
.Material: stainless steel, specially tempered
.With rubber shell sharpened for easy removal of soil sample
Pürckhauer 100
The groove of the Pürckhauer 100 is end-tapered in the bottom part, thereby enabling an easier removal. Particularly suitable for medium and heavy soils. We recommend urgently using the Simplex sledge hammer and not an iron hammer!
.Total length: 1175 mm
.Graduation: every 100 mm
.Sampling depth: 1000 mm *Outer-Ø top 28 mm
.Outer-Ø bottom 25 mm
.Inner-Ø 18 mm
.Weight: 3.8 kg
.Hammering head Ø 34 mm
.Material: stainless steel, specially tempered
.With rubber shell, sharpened for easy removal of soil sample