The three axles with tires 560/60-22,5 ensure best impact on the ground.
An electric potentiometer can adjust the unloading speed.
Rear hydraulic protectiom to grant a better security.
Inside sluice for liquid manure.
Front and rear steering axles.
3 axles with lift springs suspension.
Mechanic tensioner of chains.
Hydraulic tensioner of chains controlled by a manometer.
Max. lenght:8760
Max. width:2550
Max. height:3200
Caisson lenght (mm):6500
Width of the caisson (mm):2280
Height of the sides:1300
Loading capacity (kg):20000
Tires - 560/60-22,5:Radial
Net weight:7700
Screw transmission:Gear in single-girder version
Belt transmission:Hydraulic
Macchine omologabili Italia
Apparecchiatura industriale monotrave.
Pianale e sponde in legno 4 cm.
Canaline tappeto in acciaio inox.
Tappeto idraulico.
Hydraulic foot
Differenza 385/65-22,5 occ a 385/65-22,5 flotation 18 PR
Incorporated hydraulic system per tappeto
Tappeto 4 catene
4-chain belt (double independent belt)
Adjustable speed of the belt since the tractor (1 function) meccanico
Regolazione velocità tappeto elettrico con potenziometro
Paratoia idraulica per liquami
Incorporated hydraulic system for belt
Protezione posteriore idraulica
Assale post. Sterzante