SUSTANE 7-2-20
Suståne® 7-2-20 with UMAXX® Premium Homogeneous Turf Fertilizer Formulated for Seashore Paspalum Turfgrass.
Suståne 7-2-20+UMAXX is specifically formulated with a 1:3 nitrogen to potassium ratio for an optimal response from Seashore Paspalum turfgrass. 7-2-20 Combines Suståne organic compost base with stabilized nitrogen from UMAXX delivered in a uniform, homogeneous granule for low mowed golf course fairways and all sports pitches.
Recommended Use:
Suståne 7-2-20+UMAXX is the ideal formula for premium turf grass applications including golf course greens, fairways and tee boxes, athletic fields and all high visibility turf.
Benefits of Suståne 7-2-20
•1:3 N to K ratio for enhanced turfgrass carbohydrate reserves.
•Increases the nutrient and water holding the capacity of the soil.
•Contains Sustane World Class Organic Base and Trace Minerals.
•Contains all nutrients necessary for plant growth.
•Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions.
•Promotes greater root development.
•Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity.
•Available in 150 SGN (1.5 mm) the ideal particle size for all tees, fairways, and close mowed turf.
•All combined in each uniform homogeneous granule
Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment
•Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.