Vacuum pump mobile milking machine is divided into single bucket and double bucket according to the number of milking buckets used. Vacuum pump, motor, pulsator, milk tube, milking cup set, milk bucket are integrated into one vehicle, which can be moved for operation, convenient and flexible, and not restricted by the site.
Main features:
Unique design, easy operation, easy maintenance, stable vacuum, low noise, stable pulsation frequency, small vacuum fluctuation, gentle milking, alternating milking back and forth has massage and protective effect on cow's udder.
Vacuum pump milking machine
Vacuum pump mobile milking machine is divided into single bucket and double bucket according to the number of milking buckets used. Vacuum pump, motor, pulsator, milk tube, milking cup set, milk bucket are integrated into one vehicle, which can be moved for operation, convenient and flexible, and not restricted by the site.
1 Main features:
Unique design, easy operation, easy maintenance, stable vacuum, low noise, stable pulsation frequency, small vacuum fluctuation, gentle milking, alternating milking back and forth has massage and protective effect on cow's udder.
2 Structure:
mobile trolley structure, simple operation, flexible and convenient.
3 Structural composition:
1. Stainless steel support frame 2. Milk bucket 3. Milking cup set 4. Vacuum gauge 5. Air pulsator 6. Pressure regulating valve 7. Air bag 8. Copper core motor 9. Vacuum pump