When Tarter designers set out to make the best and most versatile system on the market, they started with several clear objectives. Make it rugged, make it versatile, make it easy to assemble and use, make it affordable, and make it work every single time. The result? An alley and sweep system like no other on the market.
Open and sheeted units ship to dealers complete on a single pallet that includes all components and easy-to use, picture-based assembly instructions. This means easy shipping to the store and easy transport to the farm after purchase.
Tarter's Complete Alley & Sweep System Kits are rugged, versatile and easy to set up and use. These systems were designed to make cattle handling fast, safe and simple; providing everything that's needed for efficient cattle handling, saving time and boosting profitability.
Open and sheeted units ship to dealers complete on a single pallet that includes all components and easy-to use, picture-based assembly instructions. This means easy shipping to the store and easy transport to the farm after purchase.
180 x 20 Sheeted Sweep System
MSRP: $6,613.99
Item #: SSS
Height: 86″
Approx. Weight: 2,750 lbs.
Width: 48″
Length: 132″
180 x 20 Open-Sided Sweep System
MSRP: $5,106.99
Item #: OSS
Height: 86″
Approx. Weight: 1,900 lbs.
Width: 48″
Length: 132″