• Modern extra strength structure and well balanced design allows to operate with the tractor out of the furrow on unplowed land;
• Horizontal Reversion System: with only one set of moldboards, the reversal is rapid and simple means of a hydraulic double acting cylinder. The coupling header to the three points is pivoted by the plow structure and assisted by a cylinder that performs automatic leveling of moldboard plowing in both directions. The pilot operated check valve ofthe hydraulic system keeps locked firmly set in the desired position;
• Moldboard Symmetrical: the TATU moldboard with two cutting faces provides excellent penetration, harrowing and incorporation of crop residues;
• Lower weight and greater agility in operations;
• Excellent performance in any type of soil;
• Easy penetration and perfect incorporation into the soil profile;
• Special components for not sticking ground;
• Reduced maintenance and longer useful life.