The E-Weed Master combines the simplicity of a market gardening hoe with the power of an electric multipurpose carrier. It is an excellent solution for small-scale vegetable farms that want to improve their daily work comfort by using electric power while maintaining work precision.
The E-Weed Master has been designed to work on beds from 80cm to 120cm (maximum track center to wheel center : 150cm). It will accompany you in all the operations of sowing, hoeing, harrowing, harvesting... The driving is done in offset to avoid walking on the work done. The two "triggers" allow to control independently the right and left wheel to go straight on your beds.
The E-Weed Master's tools are quick to attach and detach. They attach to a complete toolbar to avoid wasting time on adjustments. Equipped with two 12V slow discharge batteries, you will have a working autonomy of 2 to 4 hours depending on the work done.
The electric wheels have an important working torque allowing to face all situations. They have been designed to work in the most extreme conditions (water and dust). The E-Weed Master can be equipped with the different mechanical weeding elements of the Terrateck market gardening hoe and thus provides the same level of satisfaction with even greater working comfort.