The KRESS/KULT branded ARGUS front-mounted hoeing machines are used for effective and quick mechanical weeding operations in market gardening production. When fastened to the front hitch of a tractor, these "lightweight" yet robust hoeing machines are perfectly designed in terms of efficiency, productivity and precision for mechanical weeding operations.
The ARGUS front-mounted hoeing machines are fitted with a complete frame with wheels that make the hoeing machine very stable while giving the tractor driver a great view of the work. These very versatile hoeing machines can be customised and accessorised according to your crop itinerary and your land. You can add various accessories, including the following:
- Kress/Kult finger weeders for working on the row
- Standard/flat/lelievre/hanging hoeing blade
- Ridger/element for adding earth onto the rows
- Multiple tine harrow and tiller elements
- Torsion spring hoes (torsion weeder)
The ARGUS hoeing machine with a rear-mounted guiding system can be configured to your requirements according to your land and the number of rows/spaces between rows.
For any quote requests, please specify the tractor, number of rows, tractor path, row spacing, crop and type of soil.