Developed in collaboration with INRA, CTIFL, SERAIL and a large number of professionals, our Filbio® anti-insect netting has been tried and tested for over 25 on all types of terrain. The range has become a leading name in outdoor crop protection against the destructive phytophagous and sucking insects that attack vegetable crops: garlic, onions, carrots, courgettes, cabbages, aubergines, melons, radishes, turnips, parsley, tomatoes, leeks, etc.
These run-resistant fine-mesh nets (less than 1 mm) are flexible, lightweight and bright and serve as a veritable natural mechanical barrier. Filbio® therefore excludes insects without impacting plant growth (no burning, optimised climate conditions) and helps preserve the environment by reducing the quantity of plant protection products required.
Biothrips® 346 anti-insect netting, derived from the Filbio® range, offers specific protection against thrips, thanks to its extremely fine mesh. Thrips are between 1 and 2 mm long and thrive in hot and dry conditions. They will readily attack—and in great numbers—fruit farms and market gardens (leeks, lettuce, peas, beans, etc.), orchards (plums, apricots, etc.) and flower beds (begonias, chrysanthemums, gladioli, roses, carnations, etc.). When they bite into a plant to feed off its sap, they can transmit viruses that can slow down or even stop plant growth.