Greenhouse supplies that are quick and easy to install
Improve growth and the working environment in your greenhouse using our functional, high quality products.
We offer:
•Our stand alone shading system, MicroShade, for research and institutional structures, small to mid-size growers and older greenhouses.
•Greenhouse fans to improve air circulation.
•Our Poly lock profile for mounting of greenhouse films.
•Jumper hose, inflation blower, air transfer gasket or the entire double poly inflation blower set.
•Mounting brackets for square tubes, steel girders and angles.
•PermaShade our product for sun-protection and controlling the exposure of daylight.
Seasonal products and modern shading systems
We deliver the horticultural supplies you need quickly and reliably. We offer ground cover, capillary mats, gardening clips and tree guards.
If you plan to extend or renovate your greenhouse, we offer support concerning shading and ventilation systems. Our products include a variety of greenhouse shades and rolling screens for many greenhouse types.
In-house product development
We run our own manufacturing facility with a weaving mill and Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterinjection-molding in the city of Greven (near Münster), Germany. Here we create products to simplify the daily activities in the modern horticulture business - our hose guide, for example. We also develop complete shading systems for the needs and to the specifications of our customers. To supplement our product line, we provide high-quality products from reliable suppliers.