From basic flat and single-slope surfaces to advanced multi- and variable slope designs, Topcon GNSS Landforming offers fully customizable water management control. Comprising three key phases: survey, design, and execution, the solution can suit virtually any crop operation plus many niche applications, including ponds, building foundations and roads.
Operators can efficiently survey with proven base station and rover hardware.
Data can be relayed via Bluetooth® to AGForm-3D design software to create tailored planar or variable slope designs. AGForm-3D offers unique patterns that move the least volume of soil possible, maintaining fertility and reducing inputs while optimizing water delivery and drainage. Easily execute by importing to Topcon X Family consoles (XD+ or X35), including a live positioning and cut/ fill map on-screen. Tied to the MC-R3 controller/receiver and MC-A1 scraper
antennas, the custom AGForm-3D design is automatically executed through the field.
Flat, single- multi-, variable slope, single or dual scraper control
Designs move minimal soil
Complete survey, design, and execution package
Easy setup and operation. 24/7, dust or fog