The Ultron series sprayers, thanks to their capacity, are the ideal tool for working on large plots of specialty crops. A salient feature of the Ultron is the generous ground clearance that allows operation without damaging even the tallest crops. The chassis is designed to be strong and lightweight, with approved 2-point linkage steering drawbar to provide the sprayer with safe and effective steering. The wide range of large-diameter wheels ensures the optimal setup for all types of specialty and non-specialty crops, provides easy rolling, and provides ample ground clearance. The tank, specifically designed for a lowered center of gravity with generous ground clearance and unmatched agitation performance is, as in all our machines, designed to optimize stability and safety in all working conditions.
Toselli AirSpray is a device certified in Germany by the JKI (Julius Kuhn Institute) for drift reduction (50 percent).To ensure excellent foliar coverage results on all specialty crops, 250 mm. nozzle spacing options and the Toselli AirSpray air-assisted spraying system are strongly recommended on the entire Ultron series. The Toselli AirSpray low-volume injection system with adjustable sleeve ensures exceptional foliar coverage results even under the most adverse conditions and, upon proper adjustment, becomes an excellent drift-reducing tool even on bare ground, a unique feature on the market.