Galvanised tube
Archimedes screw
Rotation speed 520 tr/mn
Flow with PS 0,75 inclination to 45° : 650 qx/h
Belts Transmission
Motor 1450 tr /mn
Pulley 4 scores SPA
4 belts XPA
Galvanised tube diameter 220 mm
Screw thread diameter 185 mm
Reclining hopper length 2 m x 1 m
Carriage on pneumatics wheels
Folding section length 3 m for transport
Weatherproof outlet box with reverse
Harnessing bar
Jacking up hoist
Intermediate levels
Swilling outlet code 0-990 16 02
Equipment for road traffic: (obligatory in France)
Slope for lightning code 0-990 22 02