Ag Premium Weather is the ultimate agricultural weather application that offers intelligent field-level precision. It provides up-to-date tracking of precipitation, temperature, and growing degree days without the worry of physical rain gauges or expensive in-field hardware.
With Ag Premium Weather you get current and historical precipitation data, which will enable you to improve operational planning, anticipate yield potential, and adjust yield goals.
Ag Premium Weather can be purchased as an add-on to Farmer Fit or Farmer Pro and is available for North America, expanding to other regions in 2019. Data can be viewed from the Trimble Ag Mobile app, available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Key Features
-Access your data online or from the mobile app
-View historical precipitation averages
-Save time spent driving to fields and dumping rain gauges
-Eliminate expensive on-site weather stations and data plans for tracking rainfall remotely
-View rainfall variability for each field using colour-coded contour maps
-Determine field workability based on recent rainfall volume and intensity
-Optimise water usage by not turning on irrigators in areas that have received adequate rainfall
-Use growing degree days to gauge crop stages or plan field activities