AR-GE GROUP LIMITED COMPANY; is one of the leading and high capacity manufacturers of Turkey. FERTITECH PROFESSIONAL™ that is produced with the aim of bringing a breath of fresh air to the market, is a high quality dripping fertilizer that contains EVA+P chelate
Brief description of EVA+P chelate technology:
E= Enzymes,
V= Vitamins,
A= Amino acids,
P= N-promotors that is high quality dripping fertilizer enriched with “Natural Plant Development Regulators”.
FERTITECH PROFESSIONAL™ is a fertilizer formulation that is rich with macro and micro elements, is prepared to meet plants’ food requirements with high quality. It is a high quality,
water soluble plant nutrition product which is suitable for usages for both from soil and the leaf in drip irrigation and other irrigation systems in all kinds of soil conditions. With the help of high
quality raw materials, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and natural bio-stimulant promotors that are used in the production, intake is high in plants even in cold weather and soil conditions.
.It is a rapid-acting product with the help of bio-stimulants.
.As it contains high quality raw materials, it provides rapid plant nutrient elements and healthy plant growth.
.Rapid dissolution. (99% dissolves in water in 10 minutes.)
.Each particle has been chelated with EVA+P technology.
.As it does not include chloride, it provides higher effect in drip irrigation.
. It provides the most effective plant nutrition with low pH and EC values.
. Summer and winter performance is very high.
. Unique clear solution system.
.The risk of caking and pollination is minimized.