Organic acids began to be used widely in the world, there are interesting developments in using Instead of the use of antibiotics. Organic acids are important plant activators and are chelate agents. However, mechanism of action of organic acids is not known exactly yet. Organic acids; beside BBM taker tumblers the anti-microbial effects have attracted a lot of attention. Organic acids provides increasing the shelf life of plant and fruit and resistance against fungal and microbial diseases, it has been used for decades in order to improve the storage and shelf life by preventing deterioration of the fruit. Even at very high pH levels unique properties have been discovered as protection capacities and killing harmful micro organisms of organic acids. Additionally about the physiological effects of organic acids moved through the xylem and flue more information is available.
-This product contains 50% organic acid at pH 0.65.
-It can be mixed with everything and solves, chelates and heed to plant concomitantly used products and
nutrients in the soil.
-It prevents loss of the fruits and flower,
-By creating a tough plant and fruit tissue, it provides resistance to plant disease and significantly extend the shelf life of fruit.
-It is activator feature increasing effect.
-It safely practicable from leaf and soil,
-In the soil; primarily solves phosphorus and calcium attached in the form of calcium phosphate and move the
plant. Additionally it enables taking all macro and micro-nutrients by plant easly.
-Because the color pigments in motion It allows plant and fruit color brightness and to get a dark green color,