-Active material: Glycine Chelated 20 % metallic copper (6.25 % Copper)
-Features: It is the only Nano size fungicide that % 100 extracts to plant and / or can enter the sap with organic and systemic formulation.
Why do you prefer ECO L 60?
-Its particles are nano-size, both root and foliar it is unbeatable through xylem-fluem 100% of the property can enter the plant site.
-Bordeaux mixture and similar to the bluestone Having various forms of copper oxide, sulfate and hydroxides plant (stem and leaf) structure can not attend because the contacts are effective, ECO L 60 is systematic
-Compared to Bordeaux mixture and Bluestone it is much faster and long-term effects.
-In plants due to continuous and long-term effect can not be taken for long-term fungicides or even in periods of delay provide a serious resistance thus avoiding the fungi active harm.
-It is organic, it does not leave residue and stains.
-After adjusting the dose ratio not effective fungi (mushrooms) and the bacterial species was encountered.
-ECO L 60 is 100 % the glycine chelated.
-It removes soil salinity.
-It toughen the fruit and extend the shelf life.
-It is a preferred, effective product in the lower the pH of spraying water. For this reason in the mix with pesticides and fertilizers thanks to the lowering the pH and chelate properties it improves the effectiveness of the drug.
-Absorption by the plant is very high.
-ECO L 60, high efficiency, zero residue and spotless fruit with low copper ratio,
-ECO L 60 provides a multi-channel approach with less risk of resistance,
-It provides the possibility of applying with drip irrigation and from leaf,