About this product to be able to have more detailed information examine the product FERTITECH Max B Zn (B%6 + Zn%13) will have much more advantage.
Developed for soil and foliar application Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B) is a unique resource two specific important
micro elements.
It can be used safely in all fruits and vegetables.
It contains boron prior flowers formed when administered as it provides for an increase in flower pollen increases germination and fruit attitude.
It contributes to the development of resistant plants by activating the necessary enzymes for healthy development of zinc plant.
-It is open plenty flowers and allows fertilization.
-It prevents spillage strengthening flowers and fruit stem.
-It brings optimum conditions period of flowering and pollination.
-Evaporation and soil washing result does not go away easily.
-It supports plant under stress conditions.
-It increases capillary roots formation.
-It allows break of node shortening, the formation of side branches.
-It prevents aging of the plant.
-It increases fruit quality.
-It helps salinization problems in the soil.
-This helps to prevent the shedding of flowers.
-Technology that makes a difference Glycine and amines.
-Test result of suggestibility by the plant Very high (Onset 30 minutes avg. visibly effect. 5-7 days)
-Farmers satisfaction rate 98%
-Plants can be used It can be used safely for All plants especially fruit, vegetable,
industrial plants cereals of which made cultivation, golf and football pitches.
-Usage dose It has been declared on the product label.