FERTITECHTM I OLIVO 14 - 5 - 28 + 2%MgO + TE is a NPK fertilizer, with a high concentration of potassium. It is enriched with boron and molybdenum in mineral form and with iron, manganese, zinc and copper that are chelated with the disodium salt of the EDTA. It is a soluble formula for foliar application.
OLIVO 14 - 5 - 28 + 2%MgO + TE is recommended for fruit fattening, development or ripening periods, due to its high concentration of potassium. It increases yield and improves the quality, colour and aspect of the crop. It is a fertilizer that is easily absorbed and immediately metabolized by the plant, thus providing fast and effective results. The supply of potassium it provides favours water regulation mechanisms, participates in the synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates and enables the active form of many enzymes that take part in several metabolic processes. Moreover, it boosts the radicular system and the mechanical resistance of the stems.
FERTITECHTM I OLIVO 14 - 5 - 28 + 2%MgO + TE is a fertilizer enriched with micronutrients, which improves the general nutritional state of the plant. Moreover, its special formula favours stomas dilatation and, as a consequence, the adhesion and penetration of the product through the leaves.
Directions for use
Citrus and fruit trees
250-450 g/hl, according to needs.
350-450 g/hl, according to needs.
Flowers and ornamental plants:
200-350 g/hl, according to needs.
Herbaceous and woody crops:
400-500 g/hl, according to needs.